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CDA S.r.l. has been working in the world of vending machines in Friuli Venezia Giulia for 50 years and it is a renowned standard bearer for Corporate Social Responsibility in its field.

It has approximately 90 people working for it and a fleet of 40 vehicles. They cater to the needs of 2,500 active customers and keep more than 6,000 vending machines running.

CDA sells 20 million items a year, giving it a turnover of more than €10 million.

Its corporate philosophy stems from an outlook and aim shared by all the staff: to create a lasting, trusting relationship with customers and the community.

To this end, in 2020 it became a Benefit Corporation and stepped up its commitment to developing a sustainable business model.

It amended its articles of association, adding objectives that will be beneficial to people, the environment and the community.

For years, CDA has aimed to improve the lives of all of its direct and indirect stakeholders, creating value in its relationships with staff, customers and suppliers in an environmentally friendly way.

via degli Artigiani, 3/2 – 33030 Flumignano – Talmassons (UD)

TEL. +39 0432766853

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